Providing For You And Your Family
Since the CHP 11-99 Foundation was formed in 1982, we have distributed nearly $52 million in financial assistance to CHP families. We offer two primary assistance programs to CHP employees and eligible members of their families – the Emergency and Death Benefits Program and the Scholarship Program.
Emergency and Death Benefits Program
Our Emergency and Death Benefits Program provides immediate financial assistance to current/active CHP employees (uniformed and non-uniformed) and their families facing hardship due to prolonged illness, a medical emergency, natural disaster, or death.
Most notably, when a CHP officer is tragically killed in the line of duty, the 11-99 Foundation provides the family $50,000 within 72 hours, bearing no conditions or restrictions as to how that money is used. When a CHP Officer passes away off-duty, the 11-99 Foundation provides the family with $25,000 immediately. Aside from death benefits, the 11-99 Foundation provides emergency assistance throughout the year to families experiencing unforeseen financial hardship, often due to a lack of insurance coverage, or a gap in receiving insurance benefits given the circumstances. Examples include when the child of a CHP employee is diagnosed with terminal cancer and requires specialized treatment not covered by insurance, a CHP employee is injured on or off-duty and now requires an ADA-accessible vehicle or retrofitting to his/her home, or CHP families displaced by wildfires, loss of home, or living in temporary housing. For more stories on the past 11-99 recipients and funds distributed, please review our 2023-24 Annual Report.
Who qualifies for assistance and how?
Any current, active employee of the CHP (uniformed or civilian) may apply for assistance. We cannot provide emergency assistance to retired CHP employees, due to the large and ever-growing number of retirees each year. Only current CHP employees and their families are eligible for emergency and death benefit assistance.
How does a CHP employee submit a request for assistance?
Please apply directly through your Commander – all requests are confidential. Your Commander will then move your request up the chain of command within your division via an official memo, to our CHP Departmental Liaison. Our Liaison will then work with our Director of CHP External Relations and Retired CHP Deputy Commissioner, Manny Padilla, who will evaluate the request and they will determine the level of assistance granted on a case-by-case basis.
Scholarship Program
To date, the 11-99 Foundation has awarded over $44 million in vocational and academic scholarship funding to qualified dependents of CHP employees. Our scholarship application cycle opens each year on January 15th and closes on March 15th. For eligibility requirements, deadlines, and more information click here.
We have three categories of scholarship awards:
- General Scholarship Award
- Sullivan Advanced Study Scholarship Award
- Fallen Hero Award
General applicants who meet all eligibility requirements will submit their initial applications. Once our Scholarship Committee reviews the general applications, select applicants may be invited to submit another application to our Sullivan Advanced Study Scholarship Award which is a greater fund amount than the General Award (based upon the academic achievements weighed with the need of the applicant). Children of Fallen Heroes who meet the eligibility requirements are invited to apply using the separate Fallen Hero Scholarship Application outlined in our application process. Awardees are notified each June and invited to attend one of eight ceremonies held across the state in July, one in each CHP division. To receive his/her award check, recipients must complete enrollment verification forms as outlined in our scholarship award notifications.

Ways YOU Can Give Back
Current or active CHP employees are NOT eligible for membership to the 11-99 Foundation, only upon retirement. Spouses and partners of current CHP employees who are not CHP employees ARE eligible to apply for membership. However, there are other ways that YOU, CHP employees, can give back to the 11-99 Foundation.
$11.99 Monthly Giving Program
You can participate in our monthly giving program at the level of your choice, in increments of $11.99 or more. As our way of saying thank you, you’ll receive the applicable gift(s) for each level. These promotional items proudly show your support of our assistance programs, including, but not limited to, our emergency and death benefits, and scholarship program.
Our Promise Campaign – California State Employees Giving at Work
The CHP 11-99 Foundation has participated in United Way’s Our Promise Campaign for years. Each year we receive between $100-180K through this program from the generosity of state employees. As one of the largest philanthropic giving campaigns in California, Our Promise brings state employee donors, volunteers, and nonprofits together to care for communities and causes. The benefit of donating through Our Promise is that your tax-deductible donation will automatically be deducted from your paycheck each month until you change or choose to end your contribution. For step-by-step information on how to do this, click here. For any questions regarding the 11-99 Foundation’s participation in the Our Promise Campaign, please contact our Director of Marketing & Communications, Laura Reed.
Key Connector Resources for Our Promise Campaign:
- CHP 11-99 Foundation Our Promise Poster (11 x 17 printable)
- VIDEO: About the CHP 11-99 Foundation (to show at training days, etc.)