$11.99 Monthly Giving Program


Since starting our Monthly Giving Program in 2016, we now have nearly 600 donors giving anywhere from $11.99 to over $350 per month! You too can join this group of generous donors providing ongoing support for the 11-99 Foundation and the CHP families we serve. 

To join, simply select your monthly giving level and the date you wish to start your recurring donation, and you’ll receive the corresponding thank you gift(s) after your first payment is made.

Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery of your items.

Your recurring donation of JUST $11.99 or more will have an immediate and direct impact on CHP families.

That’s only 39 cents a day to make a difference!



  • Sign up using the online form below on this page, or
  • Email this form to blarsen@chp11-99.org, or
  • Mail this form with payment to:
    CHP 11-99 Foundation
    3188 Airway Avenue, Suite C
    Costa Mesa, CA 92626
  • Call our office at 714.529.1199


Top photo courtesy of California Highway Patrol

Promotional Levels

We're currently transitioning to a new phone system.

During this time, our phones may not be functioning at full capacity. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we improve our service. If you are experiencing issues reaching us by phone, please email us at info@chp11-99.org and we'll direct your question, or email one of our staff members directly for assistance.

We appreciate your patience,
CHP 11-99 Foundation Staff