End of Watch: August 10, 2018
On the morning of August 10, 2018, CHP motorcycle Officer Kirk Griess, 46, was conducting a traffic stop with a Saturn SUV over on the right shoulder on westbound I-80 in Fairfield. A Chevrolet pickup truck veered over and hit Officer Griess, his motorcycle, and the Saturn.
Sadly, Officer Griess did not survive his injuries. Kirk was a 19-year veteran with the California Highway Patrol, with 16 years at the Solano Area CHP office. He also served his country as a United States Marine. He is survived by his wife, Keri, two daughters, Kadi and Kaci (ages 25 & 21), and his son Kole (14).
Please know that the CHP 11-99 Foundation has already provided immediate assistance in the amount of $50,000 to the Griess family. We will continue to collect donations in memory of Officer Griess, which will go towards replenishing our emergency and death benefits fund and for future families grieving the loss of a loved one.