Happy Holidays from our 11-99 Family to Yours!
Posted onTHANK YOUforyour support of the CHP families we serve. We wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season. Continue Reading →
THANK YOUforyour support of the CHP families we serve. We wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season. Continue Reading →
It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Officer Reuben Warren, ID 17850, on December 8, 2021, due to complications from COVID-19. Officer Warren was 53 years old and proudly served his community as a CHP officer for more than 17 years. He is survived by his... Continue Reading →
CONGRATS to Regina & Cary Tanner of Fresno, CA with lucky ticket #0546 who are the Grand Prize Winners of our 21st Annual Winner's Choice Drawing! The Tanners chose the Ford Bronco OUTER BANKS +$10,000 cash prize! Also, congrats to our 4 other cash prize winners today! $5,000 CASH -... Continue Reading →
During this time, our phones may not be functioning at full capacity. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we improve our service. If you are experiencing issues reaching us by phone, please email us at info@chp11-99.org and we'll direct your question, or email one of our staff members directly for assistance.
We appreciate your patience,
CHP 11-99 Foundation Staff