Judy Levine
Director of SponsorshipsJudy Levine first met Bob Weinberg (our Founder), while producing movie premieres, polo events, and fundraisers for the Institute for Cancer and Blood Research, where Bob was a Board Member.
Bob then asked her to assist with the CHP 11-99 Foundation Golf Tournament, which he had established the prior year, in an effort to raise the much-needed funds to accomplish the Foundation’s mission. He specifically needed help identifying corporate and individual sponsors and companies that might donate items for the auction. For the past 38 years, Judy has been consulting as our Director of Sponsorships (for Southern CA events), identifying and securing sponsors for both the Bob Weinberg Golf Tournament and our benefit movie screenings. Judy’s also a proud Ohio State University alum – go Buckeyes!
Judy works remotely and can be reached by email at jlevine@chp11-99.org or by calling 310.455.3709.